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A Tainted Claim (Beholden Duet Book 2) Page 16

  “Easy for you to do what?” The edge of Ana’s hardness returned.

  “To rule alongside an Omega who won’t want to assert her will, or interfere with things she knows nothing about.”

  Ana’s shocked silence lasted only a moment. “So you know what’s been going on out in the kingdom.” Her eyes flashed. “You knew what was going on, yet you did nothing to stop it! Don’t you care about the people? What is the point in being king if you’re not going to do something about the people’s suffering, Ryden?”

  “I had an idea what was going on, but not everything,” Ryden said. “I avoided looking too deeply into it until I could actually do something about it.”

  “So becoming king… that was your goal? So you could stop the atrocities?”

  “Partly,” Ryden said. “I cannot deny that I relish the idea of setting laws and ruling the kingdom. But yes, I do want to stop what is happening with the houses. But it cannot be done the way the outlaw is doing it. Violence against violence is not the answer.”

  “Then what is your plan?” Ana said sharply. “To sit here and make policy and law without ensuring it is used correctly?”

  “I told you that your father was unfit,” Ryden said sharply, pointing at her. “You refused to see it.”

  “You didn’t tell me exactly why he was unfit. You gave Maddoc as the reason.”

  Ryden inclined his head. “Yes, because once you knew, it would be a never-ending series of questions and nagging about doing something about it. I will do things in my own way. You do not understand the powers the houses have. They will only put someone on the throne who will agree with them. Changes have to be small and made bit by bit.”

  Ana shook her head. “And in the meantime many suffer.”

  Ryden exhaled and leaned back in his chair. “Listen, Ana. Your idyllic view of life is not reality. I’m sorry that it’s turned out that way for you, but it is the reality for everyone else. You have to take your place in it and deal with your new responsibilities and what is to come.”

  “My responsibilities?”

  “Yes. You are still betrothed to me. You are still my fated mate in the eyes of Allandis, and we are still to be married.”

  Maddoc almost growled out loud. Why couldn’t this Alpha get it through his fucking head?

  “You can either choose to do so willingly, or you can be forced.”

  Ana frowned, taking a step back, and at that Maddoc did growl.

  “What do you mean?” she said.

  Ryden rose from his chair. “You are the rightful heir to the throne, Ana. Whoever marries you is king. It is not so much a choice as it is your duty to choose someone who will stop what the houses are doing the right way. And if you don’t, then you will be forced to by law.”

  “So, you’ll create some random law that says that I have to marry you?” Ana snapped.

  “You have already been betrothed to me for five years. Redcrest is owed something for that commitment and devotion, and they know it. So it’s better that you are willing.”

  Ana was silent for a long moment as she stared at him in horror. “You just care about the crown and the throne.”

  Ryden didn’t bother to respond to confirm her words.

  Ana shook her head, rubbing her fingertips against her forehead as she thought. “Why did you really go to Sterling?” she asked. “Why did you see Leoma.”

  Ryden grinned. “I see you are starting to think like a real human being,” he remarked. “And not a doll.”

  “Fuck you,” Ana shot at him.

  “You will. You will many times, Ana.”

  Maddoc held in the roar that rumbled in his chest as he maneuvered himself across the space. He didn’t need to hear any more. He needed to get down there and take his Omega.

  “You went to House Sterling to see if you could marry Leoma, didn’t you?” Ana asked, evenly. “If you don’t believe in fated mates, it doesn’t matter which Omega you have—especially when I was potentially going to be sullied by the outlaw and you were thinking about your options.”

  “Correct. But that doesn’t have any bearing on my preference for you, Ana,” he said, smiling. “You are prettier, and your training makes you much more suitable for royal events. But, if your reputation was going to be ruined by the outlaw, I was considering other options. Unfortunately, Sterling wanted too much control of the crown in return for her.”

  Maddoc slid out of earshot as he entered the corridor. Peeking through another panel, he waited for the approaching footsteps to pass, but they stopped outside the door. Then he noticed their black cloaks.

  He jumped down from the panel.

  Raine’s sword snapped up, and Griff was already lunging with his dagger. Maddoc dodged them both, grabbing Griff’s wrist just before he was stabbed. The other three highcloaks already had their arrows notched.

  “Maddoc!” Raine’s face lit up.

  “What the fuck is Ana doing here?” he said, trying to keep his voice low.

  Griff frowned. “Ana is at home, Maddoc.”

  “She’s in that fucking room, Griff,” Maddoc said, jabbing a finger at the door. “Didn’t you keep someone on her? Just because the kingdom is safe doesn’t mean she wouldn’t leave.”

  Raina groaned. “I should have known she would,” she murmured, shaking her head. “She was worried about you. She wanted to come and we said no.”

  Maddoc ignored the satisfaction and pride that bloomed at his Omega’s independence. So she came for him. But it didn’t help that she was now in immediate danger. “They going to arrest her so they can force her to marry,” he growled. “We need to go in and disable Ryden and collect Ana. We need to get Elizabeth and her family too. That’s why I came here.”

  “Elizabeth?” Raine asked. “From the house on the duke’s mansion grounds?”

  “Yes. They are in the prison.”

  Raine’s nostril’s flared. “I’ll help here and then I’ll get them.”

  “We will too,” Griff said.”

  “Elizabeth is the last of our people,” Maddoc said. “So as soon as you have her, go straight home.”

  Everyone nodded, and they all faced the door.

  Maddoc braced himself, ignoring the increasing ache in his shoulder. This was it. Everything that was worth fighting for was in that room, and he would either take her back home with him, or he would die.



  Ana glared at Ryden as though she was seeing him for the first time.

  Every word that came out of his mouth infuriated her to such a degree, she wished she had learned some kind of combat training so she could show him just how docile she felt right now. Ryden wasn’t bothered about correcting what was happening in the kingdom immediately; he only cared about power, and he wanted it by any means necessary, even if it meant deceiving her into marriage and trading their children.

  She thought back to all the times they had spoken—it had been a minimal amount of times during their long engagement—and there had never been an urgency or thrill or desire between them. He was simply the man who she was to marry, and she’d been excited about the prospect of marrying, to have what her parents had, but she’d never been excited about him. How could the pairing process have failed?

  Or maybe it didn’t. He implied that her parents had purposely raised her to be this way, but he didn’t make clear if they were complicit. She had to know. “Did my parents know about your plans?”

  Ryden smiled. “Of course not. I’m sure they suspected something, but I doubt they were too concerned about it. They were too busy concealing their own deceptions.”

  Ana narrowed her eyes at him.

  “So which is it?” Ryden asked. “You marry me willingly or we have a forced marriage?”

  “I will never do anything with you willingly,” Ana spat.

  Ryden chuckled. “I’m sure if you ended up wet and willing for the outlaw, there is plenty you’d be willing to do for me. I guess we shall see.” He turned t
o the king's guard at the door. “Arrest her.”

  Ana firmed her stance and prepared to fight. Ryden hadn’t even confirmed whether or not he had Maddoc, but it was unlikely he did. He would have already boasted about it and probably announced it to Allandis. That meant Maddoc was still out there. And he would be coming for her.

  Just as a guard reached her, the door banged open, and Maddoc strode in with Raine, Griff, and two other highcloaks. Ana’s relief was so immense her knees weakened.

  “You will never have her,” Maddoc bellowed, his sword drawn.

  “It is you who touched what is mine,” Ryden shouted. “You are too late in your attempt to claim her.”

  Maddoc readied his stance, but Ana noticed his injured arm was limp. “You never even had a claim in the first place.”

  The guards, Ryden, and the highcloaks charged at each other, roaring, yelling above the clashing swords, whipping of arrows, and exchanging of blows. Since they were all experienced fighters, all of them moved quickly; jabbing, turning, thrusting, pivoting with precision and deliberation. The king's guard nearest Ana grabbed her and pulled her back to the wall, pinning her wrists together.

  “Release me,” Ana demanded. “I am the rightful heir to the throne. You work for the crown, not any one man.”

  “I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” he said. “But the regent king has givin me an order, and I cannot disobey.”

  “Did you hear anything that we just discussed,” Ana said, incredulously. “I know you all hear everything. You must know what is going on in the kingdom—what he is letting happen.”

  “Yes, we do hear everything,” the knight said bitterly. “But we are sworn to the crown never to repeat a word of it.”

  Ana twisted her body to look at him. “You are loyal to the crown? To my father?”

  The man nodded. “I have been in service to the crown for fifteen years, Your Majesty.”

  “Do you think the kingdom will improve with Ryden on the throne?”

  The knight was silent for a long moment. “I do not have a choice in the proceedings regarding the throne,” he said finally. “I only serve it. We are trained to accept this and not take action simply because of our personal wishes.”

  Ana eyed Maddoc. “That may be so, but Maddoc is my fated mate. And if you are still touching me when he comes over here, he will run you through with his sword. And you would have died for this king.” She glanced at him. “For restraining the rightful king’s daughter.”

  The guard thought for a moment and then released her, taking a few steps back.

  Maddoc and Ryden parried, but it was clear that Ryden was more agile, given Maddoc’s shoulder injury. Once she’d dispatched of a couple of guards, Raine joined Maddoc, both fighting Ryden, and the speed they moved at was unbelievable. At some point, Ryden realized that Maddoc was injured, and he landed a blow on his shoulder joint.

  Maddoc bellowed, drawing back at the same time Ana yelled out for him. Maddoc saw her and started to inch around the room to get to her.

  But Raine did not stop. Ryden narrowed all his attention on her and as they fought, both of them intensified the battle. The size difference between them was almost comical, but where Ryden relied on brute force, Raine used skill and agility. Each fighter was incredible to watch.

  Maddoc dispatched of the rest of the knights as he made his way around the room, careful not to get in the crossfire. Ana kept her eye on Raine, marveling at how strong she was, how fierce she was… This was not what they taught Omegas at the palace. And suddenly her mind made the connection. Ana blinked. If Raine was an Omega, why wasn’t she part of the royal assembly?

  Suddenly, Raine’s sword was knocked from her hand. She immediately grabbed Ryden’s outstretched wrist and knocked his sword out with her knee. Ryden grabbed her and they grappled, falling to the floor and rolling before stopping with Ryden on top, pinning Raine down.

  “No!” Ana cried.

  But as she watched, Ryden lowered down, looking at Raine more closely. “You are a girl,” he exclaimed as he panted, almost in disgust.

  “I am a woman,” Raine growled back.

  Ryden grabbed the neck of her tunic, looking down her top. “A little woman.” He stared at her. “Who are you?”

  Raine did not answer, struggling underneath him to be freed. He grabbed her neck to keep her still, and then, much to Ana’s shock, lowered and ran his nose up her neck, scenting her.

  Maddoc reached Ana and grabbed her, lifting her into his arms. She hugged him fiercely, relief flooding her body, and she pressed kisses all over his mouth. He pushed her against the wall and kissed her properly, dominating her mouth like he always did. Ana moaned as she savored his taste, every hair on her body standing up as she inhaled his familiar scent. Damn, she had missed him.

  “I thought you’d been captured,” she said breathlessly, when he released her.

  “That is not an excuse to leave home and put yourself in danger,” Maddoc growled, his hands roaming her body. “Did any one touch you?”

  “No.” She twisted to look back at Ryden and Raine on the ground, still watching each other, tense with animosity and curiosity. “Ryden,” she called out. “Let her go.”

  Ryden straightened, dragging his head away from Raine’s, even as he kept her pinned down. “Who is she?”

  “None of your fucking business,” Maddoc bellowed. “How many women do you need?”

  “How many do you need,” Ryden thundered. “I assume you’re claiming that one,” he pointed at Ana. “Why do you have this one? Who is this? She is clearly an Omega. Is it herbs that have interfered with her scent or is she damaged?”

  Ana’s breath left her. How could he tell Raine was an Omega?

  Maddoc groaned under his breath and Raine suddenly spurred into action, kicking and punching as hard as she could to get him off her.

  “Just let us leave, Ryden,” Ana said. “Let us all leave.”

  Ryan looked back down at Raine and then slowly got up, dragging her with him.

  Griff and the other men had left the room, so it was just the four of them and the knight remaining.

  Ana turned to the king's guard, who’d released her. “In times when a regent king is disputed, a separate guard can be formed to protect the needs of the crown. I need fifteen king's guard who will listen to me and take orders from me as priority over the regent king, in the name of the integrity of the crown. Would you be one, and can you find fourteen more?”

  The knight glanced at Ryden and nodded.

  “Good, please bring them here,” she said.

  “Clever,” Ryden said. “But they need to pledge to a representative of the crown.”

  “Let Raine go,” Maddoc warned.

  Ryden made a face. “Raine?” He glanced at Raine. “What kind of name is that?”

  Raine scowled at him an tried to pull away again from his grip.

  “Are you planning to declare yourself queen and marry him,” Ryden asked Ana, pointing at Maddoc. “Because that would be a mistake.”

  “The king lives,” Ana said. “I don’t need to declare myself anything. You will not marry me and that means you will not really be king unless he dies. And even then, there are many Alphas who will want the throne and they are more experienced than you. What makes you special?”

  Ryden scowled. “We have already been betrothed for years,” he said. “If you default by not marrying me, then Redcrest is owed a debt by the crown, and all I would need to do is collect on it is to use your own crown’s guard.”

  That was true.

  At that exact moment, guards entered the room.

  “Your job is to protect the crown at all costs. King Orick is the rightful king. He must be guarded constantly and is never to be left without a member of this guard by his side. Anyone who tries to harm him dies immediately. I order this as heir to the throne, Ana of Allandis; however, you are required to pledge an oath to be a representative of the crown.” She glanced at Ryden, who looked upon her smugly
. “The king did not rule alone. He was part of an Alpha and Omega couple, one of the most powerful ruling couples that are recognized by this kingdom. So you will pledge your oath to the only remaining official representative of the crown, Queen Atara.”

  The guards nodded. “We will pledge immediately.”

  “That will not last,” Ryden snarled as they left the room. “I am the regent king. They have to listen to me!”

  “You can be acting king, Ryden,” Ana said, realizing she had no interest in the throne. Once the new guard was in place, she didn’t have to worry about the crown. The weight of years of training and protocol and expectations was suddenly lifted, and she felt weary. “I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to rule this corrupt kingdom. If you want it, you can have it. But you will not take it illegally or unjustly. Father is still king, and when he fully recovers he will decide how things will move forward.”

  For the first time, Ryden was quiet.

  “If you do well between now and then, you will have the ruling experience no other person has had,” Ana added. “It is your best chance at gaining and keeping the throne honestly.”

  “I will agree to this if you let me have her,” Ryden said, gesturing to Raine.

  “I am not for sale,” Raine shot at him.

  “What house are you from?” he said. “Where have you been all this time? You are too pretty to be living rough like an outlaw.”

  She glared at him, not saying a word, while Maddoc growled. “She will not be your whore, Ryden.”

  “I don’t need whores,” he shot back. “We need another Omega in the royal assembly.”

  “What for?” Ana said.


  When Ana shook her head, he scowled. “Then I will do everything I can to kill you, your father, your mother, and eliminate anyone else who gets in my way. Do you think I won’t succeed with at least one of them? I haven’t been making efforts for years, taking painstaking steps to reach this stage, only for you to get in the way. So make your decision.”